- Vb net 2010 console application readkey mod#
- Vb net 2010 console application readkey windows#
VB.NET Choose Function (Get Argument at Index). VB.NET Async, Await Example: Task Start and Wait. VB.NET Path.GetExtension: File Extension. VB.NET DateTime.Parse: Convert String to DateTime. VB.NET String Between, Before and After Functions. VB.NET Shell Function: Start EXE Program. VB.NET MustInherit Class: Shadows and Overloads. Vb net 2010 console application readkey mod#
VB.NET Mod Operator (Odd, Even Numbers). VB.NET WithEvents: Handles and RaiseEvent. VB.NET VarType Function (VariantType Enum). VB.NET String.IsNullOrEmpty, IsNullOrWhiteSpace. VB.NET Math.Truncate Method, Cast Double to Integer. VB.NET WebClient: DownloadData, Headers. VB.NET Math.Ceiling and Floor: Double Examples. VB.NET Cast: Tr圜ast, DirectCast Examples. VB.NET Process Examples (Process.Start). VB.NET Integer.Parse: Convert String to Integer. VB.NET ParamArray (Use varargs Functions). VB.NET Enumerable.Range, Repeat and Empty. We will be using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Vb net 2010 console application readkey windows#
For gui we will be using windows form application and console is creating a project in a command line application. Solution: We are going to create two forms for this program gui version and console application.
VB.NET Exception Handling: Try, Catch and Finally Create a GUI (graphical user interface) and a console application for this program. VB.NET Optional String, Integer: Named Arguments. VB.NET StartsWith and EndsWith String Functions. VB.NET Event Example: AddHandler, RaiseEvent. VB.NET Enum.Parse, TryParse: Convert String to Enum. VB.NET 2D, 3D and Jagged Array Examples. VB.NET Chr Function: Get Char From Integer. VB.NET Directive Examples: Const, If and Region. VB.NET Boolean, True, False and Not (Return True). VB.NET Regex.Match Examples: Regular Expressions. VB.NET GoTo Example: Labels, Nested Loops. VB.NET Func, Action and Predicate Examples. VB.NET String.Format Examples: String and Integer. VB.NET Regex.Matches: For Each Match, Capture. VB.NET Regex, Read and Match File Lines. VB.NET Recursive File Directory Function. VB.NET Compress File: GZipStream Example. VB.NET File.ReadAllText, Get String From File.